For those who entered this article looking for the best specialist in import Plastic from turkey ; The best specialists in this field from our point of view are:
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As for those looking for information and details to benefit him in this field, we list below the information that we hope will benefit you and satisfy your aspirations:
plastic recycling plant in turkey
plastic recycling plant in turkey is the best choice ever, you can find a plant that turns plastic into clothes and other products, in Turkey you will have what you want by one click.
plastic recycling plant company
The idea of recycling started during the first and second world wars, when countries were suffering from severe shortages of some basic materials such as rubber, which prompted them to collect these materials from waste for reuse, and after years the recycling process became one of the most important ways to manage waste disposal and before Several years have been implemented by producers of waste (scrap) from collecting, cleaning and reusing it, but with the beginning of the nineties began to focus on plastic recycling companies and manufacturing waste materials to produce other products based on the same raw material such as: recycling (glass, paper, plastic, aluminum) and others, So that businessmen set up specialized factories for recycling waste in Turkey.

This company converts around 3000 plastic bags per month into colorful fabrics, so if you want to import from turkey choose colorful fabrics from this company which designers use to make backpacks and wallets by using best plastic recycling machine Its role is not only in the manufacture of sustainable clothes, but it also supports the communities, as the company partners with NGOs in Manshiyya to teach students how to Recycle plastic at their spare time, to help them earn money to support their families.
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waste plastic recycling plant suppliers
Waste can be classified according to its source into household, industrial and agricultural, mining, demolition and construction, and waste from wastewater treatment (sludge). The most dangerous type of solid waste is industrial solid waste, as it contains materials that are hazardous to the environment (explosive, flammable, toxic, …) in addition to other wastes such as plastics and rubber, which need a long period of time to be disposed of through natural processes, because they are compounds A complex architecture that the ecosystem has never dealt with.

Gamma Recycling Company
This company is for yarns and fabrics, in the southeastern province of Gaziantep, Turkey is converting mountains of plastic bottle waste into thin strings and medical health products. The company is the largest plastic recycling plant in Turkey that reproduces threads and polyester fabrics. Through chemical processes, the company converts water bottles imported from countries such as the United States, Germany and Belgium into various fiber products, which are then exported to about 35 countries.
A plastic recycling plant in turkey c that produces and manufactures founded in 1996 also works in the well-known plastic industry sectors in the directory of plastic factories in Turkey and use the best plastic recycling machine to produces products for the furniture industry as well as works in the sectors of plastic garden furniture as well as for special purposes for home use of plastic as well as ball courts. Foot and artificial turf are located in particular in ehitkamil Gaziantep Turkey.
Read more: Luxury furniture factories in Turkey … the most famous 4 Turkish furniture factories
plastic recycling plant for sale
Plastic factories have flourished in Turkey and have become a pioneer and priority compared to other industries because of their dependence on them for many daily uses, and because they are involved in building things and materials that we touch and see constantly.
– used plastic recycling machine for sale
At the website exapro you can find used molding machines, such as:
- Krauss Maffei KM 320-2700 C3 – KM 320-1000 C3 Injection moulding machine.
- Arburg Allrounder 420 C 2000-35 is a small plastic recycling machine for sale
- Netstal Synergy 600
- Stork SX 3000 – 1400
- Krauss Maffei KM 450 – 2700 C3 Injection moulding machine
- A plastic recycling plant in turkey sell used Krauss Maffei KM200-1400C1
- Arburg 420C-1300-675
- BMB KW 2200 / 45PI
- Arburg Allrounder 320 C 600-250
plastic recycling plant cost
– The first essential thing you need to open your own recycling plant is a decent place. It should be at least a suitable space where you can keep all waste and waste products regardless of equipment and facilities.
– The second thing if you want to open plastic recycling plant in turkey or Saudi Arabia that is needed is an enclosed space similar to a factory but a small room that can function as well must be at least 200 square feet in size.
– The next necessary condition is the new or used recycling machinery for sale by which you will recycle the plastic waste.
– Next is the plastic waste that needs to be recycled. For this you can create a network of plastic waste suppliers that can supply the required amount of plastic waste.
– Other requirements if say to yourself I want plastic recycling plant near me include a suitable electrical connection, an emergency generator, papers to start the recycling activity from the designated authority, permission from other selected authorities, a technical team that can direct how to recycle the plastic, a few workers and containers for storing the recycled product, etc.
This way we have given you everything you need to know about the plastic recycling plant.